We teach people techniques to communicate effectively, thus building confidence and credibility, which assures a favorable outcome in any type of interaction involving the spoken word.
Whether it’s dealing with the news media in an informational sit-down interview, or interacting with them in a crisis setting, our Media Interview Strategies seminar will prepare participants for any type of media encounter.
This full- or half-day training seminar centers around three principals: Preparation, Pitfalls, and Powerful Messages. Through a sharing of ideas, multiple on-camera interviews, and a review of past examples of public domain clips, participants will walk away with the skills needed to have a successful experience, whether it’s promoting a new product or putting a compassionate face on the company after an incident with off-site impact or injuries. Each participant will appear on camera multiple times during the seminar. Each of those interactions will be videotaped and critiqued in front of the group for learning purposes.
Whether it’s an audience of 5 or 5,000, delivering a presentation in front of a group can be a daunting task for even the most confident of presenters. Our Presentations Training helps everyone from the first-time presenter to the seasoned professional, sharpen their skills for that make-or-break presentation that just can’t afford to fall flat.Topics such as the effective use of Power Point, delivery skills, and messaging and storytelling are all covered in this full-day session. Participants will leave with a better understanding of what it takes to both craft and deliver a presentation that ensures the audience takes away the intended message.
Dealing with the news media in times of crisis can be difficult even for the most seasoned communications professionals. Our Crisis Spokesperson Training teaches the basics of what to say, when to say it, and how to assure your company’s message is delivered in a succinct and empathetic manner. Also, participants will learn important research about how crises develop and what the public looks for from a company both during and after a crisis occurs.
This full day training instructs participants on the two types of media interactions that occur during crisis situations: The press briefing and the news conference. By studying past successes and failures of other companies handling crises, participants get an idea of what works and what doesn’t. They are then given the opportunity to test their skills by doing three on-camera exercises throughout the day. Those exercises are videotaped and then critiqued as a group for learning purposes
Is a Crisis Retainer Solution Right for You?
Like a life raft thrown to you when you’re adrift, the Spoken Word crisis retainer can provide lifeline to you and your team during a crisis.
What exactly is included in a crisis retainer? For a nominal fee, you receive access to a dedicated hotline – your communications 9-1-1 that will connect you with some of the top crisis minds from around the world.
Once you quickly bring us up to speed, we provide strategy and counsel and can help you determine the best response to the stakeholders that matter most to you. We can write or edit your media statements, stakeholder letters, and social media postings.
Depending on the level of the agreement, we also can help you prepare for emergencies through the development of a written crisis plan or updating your existing plan to reflect today’s media environment.
The retainer also includes the ability for Spoken Word to cover for the company spokesperson while she is on vacation, providing peace of mind that if an event occurs, you are covered by crisis communications executives.
For more information about the crisis retainer program, contact Dave Scallan at