20 Jan 2023

Kicking off 2023 with an Update from Dave

Kicking off 2023 with an Update from Dave

I am excited to kick off 2023 with our readers and celebrate nine years since we launched Spoken Word Communications. It seems like only yesterday when we started helping our clients in the US with their Media, Crisis Spokesperson and Presentations training needs.  Since then, we have expanded our operations across many parts of the world, and have a presence in Houston, Singapore and London.

It’s been a long journey and we are excited about our direction.  Judging on how busy we were last year, it appears that Covid is in the rearview mirror, at least as far as in-person trainings are concerned.  We continue to see growth in all of our offices globally and look forward to even bigger things in 2023.

We’ve recently introduced a new training course titled Stakeholder Engagement, which is tailored to the needs of our clients who communicate directly with audiences such as customers, investors and employees. This course is now in high demand and is often paired with our popular Presentations training. 

As the winter season rears its ugly head around the globe and the on-going global energy crisis impacts daily lives, our London-based consultant Clive Hawkins continues to share timely information on how to manage communications through these challenging times. I hope you enjoy his insight in this edition.

Thank you for being a client of Spoken Word Communications. I can’t tell you how much we value the trust you’ve placed in us for your communications training needs. We look forward to working face-to-face with you in 2023 and assure a favorable outcome in any type of interaction involving the spoken word!  
